p>VST's new precision filters deliver consistent extraction performance over a wide range of concentration with reduced sediment and are warranted for zero defects. Each VST Precision Espresso Filter is designed to brew properly as a Normale, Ristretto or Lungo within a narrow gram capacity range. Experience uniform extractions across all groups for the first time - permanently. The essential espresso filter for those in search of the ultimate cup.
VST's precision filters deliver consistent extraction performance over a wide range of concentration with reduced sediment
Designed to extract properly as a ristretto, normale or lungo with minimal or no change in grind setting at a fixed dose
Filters are matched for total square area to +/- 5% to ensure identical performance
Holes are fabricated using a new micro-machine and finishing process
100% of holes are measured on every filter for min/max range limits on area and diameter to a precision of +/- 20 µm (individual QC report provided with every filter)
All holes are measured for circularity, placement, square area and blocked holes
Hole pattern is centred to +/- 1.0 mm and placement is oriented for uniform extraction throughout the entire puck
Wide outlet angle to prevent filters from clogging, anti-wear design ensures uniform performance for life of product
إذا كنت من محبي القهوة المقطرة، استكشف مجموعة أدوات القهوة لتحضير القهوة بأعلى جودة. لمن يحبون القهوة الباردة، توفر ماكينة القهوة الباردة طريقة سهلة وسريعة لتحضير مشروبات منعشة. جرب كيمكس للحصول على نكهة طبيعية رائعة، أو اختر كاليتا لتحضير دقيق ومتوازن.
من وجهة نظري افضل طاحونه جودة وسعر للالات المنزلية والاستخدام البسيط وصعب جداً انك تحصله ، شكراً لانكم الوحيدين اللي وفرتوها رغم انقطاعها وندرتها في السوق